How Carson solved Four Point Puzzles’ conundrum

How Carson solved Four Point Puzzles’ conundrum

Meet Four Point Puzzles

Who says puzzles have to be square? Four Point Puzzles owner Lindsay stead’s revolutionary Moon puzzle is contemporary, well-designed and breaks the mold with its round shape. The beautiful moon imagery and clarity of the image itself make putting it together a unique challenge and a meditative experience. 

Lindsay says that she has loved jigsaw puzzles since she was a child. As an adult, she decided to take a leap of faith and make her own. After a lot of planning and prototyping, Four Point Puzzles was born! The Moon puzzle is now sold around North America in museums, galleries and independent retailers.

Four Point Puzzles’ Navigation Problem

Lindsay had two separate challenges: Her homepage and how to sell to her wholesale customers. A unique product like Lindsay’s needed to be showcased in a unique way and Four Point Puzzles’s homepage needed to show the quality and striking imagery of the Moon puzzle. One of the challenges of selling physical products online is assuring the customer that when it arrives, it will look and feel as it was portrayed in the online store. Lindsay’s homepage needed to illustrate the quality and beauty of her product.

Selling items wholesale can be an entirely different process than single sales. While Lindsay’s retail customers had no trouble purchasing her puzzle, her wholesale customers like museums and specialty shops were finding it difficult to buy in large quantities.

How Carson Solved the Puzzle

Four Point Puzzles Homepage – before and after

Carson worked with Lindsay’s vision for the homepage and the whole process was a creative collaboration. We started by adding a full bleed video that shows the intricacy of the Moon puzzle. “It’s the first thing that my customers see and it really sets the tone for their whole experience on the site.” says Lindsay.

Because Lindsay had both retail and wholesale customers, she needed a way for both to be able to purchase her puzzles in a fast and convenient way. We created a separate navigation for her wholesale customers, where they could conveniently purchase larger quantities of her product.

Four Point Puzzles Product Page – before and after

We’re Over the Moon with the Results!

With over 47 tasks completed and multiple CSS tweaks, Four Point Puzzles is on the way to success. The Moon puzzle is now displayed in all its glory and customers can easily navigate the homepage. Carson’s solution to Lindsay’s wholesale problem was “key to achieving my vision and getting my product into as many hands as possible.” according to her.

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