How Carson Helped Musluv Spread Its Wings

How Carson Helped Musluv Spread Its Wings

Meet Musluv Sun Protection for Babies

Musluv’s story begins with the love a new mother feels for her firstborn child. When founder Natasha’s baby Alex was born, she felt anxious about protecting him from the harsh Australian sun.

“I noticed that some parents were using muslin wraps to shield their babies’ skin, but I soon discovered they were too thin and porous, providing almost no protection against the sun’s rays.”Natasha Jacquot

Natasha decided to create a solution that protected a baby’s delicate skin without trapping air in the stroller, and thus, Musluv was born. Made from cotton, Musluv is a cotton muslin, breathable fabric, to which Natasha added a non-toxic UV treatment to shield her baby from the sun’s harmful rays.

Musluv’s Product Page Difficulty

One of the most important elements of an online retail website is the ability to showcase their products in a way that alleviates the fear many online customers have; that when the product arrives it will not look like the online photos. 

Rather than showcasing Musluv’s beautiful product to its full capacity, their product page was missing several crucial elements. Because their muslin covers came in several colors, Musluv needed to be able to show the color options to their customers. But their variant dropdown menus weren’t connected with the variant thumbnail images.

How Carson Solved the Problem

We completed over 68 small tasks for Musluv, with a strong focus on their product page. In addition to implementing a solution that updates the variant dropdowns when you click on image thumbnails, we added a few other improvements that showcased their product to their store visitors.

Carson implemented product description tabs that connected the image with a blurb that described the products. We also implemented product image sliders that allowed shoppers to see the Musluv stroller covers being used across different types of strollers. 

We also completed a graphic task for them, having designed a gift box icon and a paper airplane icon to indicate shipping.

Musluv Product Page – before and after

Positive Results

By making these small but impactful changes to their online store, Carson helped Musluv improve their online visitors’ shopping experience. In an increasingly competitive online shopping landscape, it’s important to show off your product in the best light possible and give your visitors a clear idea of how your product works.

With that in mind, Carson changed Musluv’s product page for the better with features that allowed shoppers to see the full protective potential of their products.

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