150 Shopify app perks and discount unlocked for our community

150 Shopify app perks and discount unlocked for our community

For over a year, my team and I at have been partnering with Shopify app and theme teams to offer exclusive discounts to our small task service subscribers.

Table of Contents:

We’ve collected special offers for nearly 150 apps. I estimate the combined value of the offers and discounts to be somewhere between USD 5k-10k maybe more, impossible to say. We’ve worked very hard on this since January 2019.

We originally built this catalog to incentivize potential customers to subscribe to our service, and to add value on a weekly basis to our active subscribers (in more normal times).

For the next month to two, or until the storm passes, we’ve unlocked the member perks section in our dashboard to help out the greater community.
To browse offers and redeem discounts:

1. There’s no fancy landing page, just Login or Sign up by clicking on the link here.

2. Navigate to the left sidebar where it says ”Member Perks

3. Follow instructions for any of the offers by clicking on the app logo from the list.

4. Share this article so more merchants see it.

Remember, it’s not one thing/offer/program that will help us, as business owners, navigate this economic downturn, but rather a combination of smart decisions, resourcefulness, optimism + community support.

If you’re a Shopify app dev and your offer is not there yet, please reach out to to see if it’s a fit.

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